Kids N Caboodle: Soft Sole Shoes

Maddox recently received a pair of leather customized shoes from Kids N Caboodle and they are adorable. Soft shoe soles are ideal for little one's who are learning to walk or for those who are new to walking. Growing feet love soft shoes with flexibility. Flexible soles enable your child to walk naturally, improving their balance and enhancing foot and muscle development.

Maddox had no problem walking around wearing his soft sole shoes. He seemed very comfortable and at ease when walking. I think he liked how easy and quickly I was able to get them on and off because he doesn't like to sit very long while I'm trying to get his shoes on. We received many compliments on his shoes while we were out.

I like how they're made from very soft leather and are very well made to last until he out grows them. The shoes are beautifully hand crafted. Much thought, care and experience went into creating his shoes and it shows.

Kids N Caboodle allows you to personalize your very own shoes for your child. You can select your own material, colors and fonts. The shoes are made of soft high quality leather, hand cut, sewn and embroidered. Soles are made with textured suede to make them skid resistant.

 The soft sole shoes with a touch of shearling adorable with it's off-white faux fur trim. I would have loved the pink ones for when Emma lee when she was a baby during the colder months. So stylish!


The suede soft soles are made of high quality suede leather and are skid resistant. They can be personalized in 6 different colors.

To view all options available or to purchase a pair for someone special please visit Kids N Caboodle

Enter to win a pair of soft sole shoes from Kid N Caboodle!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure: I received a pair of shoes for my review. All opens are of my own.


  1. The pink organza for my new niece to be due in December

  2. Love the baseball ones for little D

  3. Deep pink for my new baby girl.

  4. I like the suede soft soles in brown with pink font

  5. I like the suede soft soles in Lilac with deep pink font for my neice.

  6. Blue Leather Baseball & Bat shoes. For my baby boy.
    Thanks for the chance.

  7. twon tone in eggplant and hotmpink for my daughter

  8. I like the 2-tone for my niece, Abigail. Thanks for the giveaway!

    -Rachael Henzman

  9. I like the bright red Soft Souls for the baby we're expecting in February!
    Beth Ann Erwin

  10. ORGANZA CRIB SHOE for my soon to be born

  11. Would have to be the soccer ones or the base ball ones!

  12. I would do a pair of deep pink solid soft souls for Petit. Perfect for walking in the spring!

  13. I want those blue leather soccer crib shoe - bouges - for my 2 year old. His older brother is about to start soccer so I think lil brother would really like these!

  14. i want black touch of shearling softsouls with deep pink writing for my baby girl.

    Vanessa Smith

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I would like the 2-Tone for my friend's little one.

    Les Johnson

  17. touch of shearling softsoul for my baby to be

  18. I'd love the baseball ones for my son

  19. black suede for baby #1 - a baby boy coming in feb!

  20. bubble gum soft suede for my niece ava

  21. i would pick the TOUCH of SHEARLING SOFTSOUL in pink for my granddaughter alyssa

  22. I like the suede softsoul for my nephew

  23. I like the soft soles for my baby girl. I would get the shoes in deep pink and the text and ankle color in black! So cute!
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  24. Pink for my grandaughter..!! thanks for this giveaway!!

  25. Black for my little niece!

    Mona Zavala

  26. I'd love to win a new pair of those soft souls in red for my granddaughter, JoJo.

  27. lisa phillips (golden storm)October 4, 2012 at 3:12 AM

    SHEARLING SOFTSOUL in brown age 3-4 for my grandson

  28. This pair of boots is perfect for fast feet. The materials used provide the top of the line durability, and comfort, perfect for fast is very soft and flexible and it is the most significant advantage of this product.

  29. I like the suede soft soles black with red name.

  30. Red leather organza bows crib shoes for my daughter.

  31. 2 TONE SOFTSOUL in pink and hot pink for my great niece

  32. I would do a soft sole in bubblegum pink with brown writing. For my Granddaughter

  33. I like the soft shoes in pink for my great niece who is turning 1 year old this month :)

  34. Lucky to see the good article. Feeling very good, recommend everyone together and see it. Basketball, football, football and other kinds of movement in contemporary more and more by the friend's attention... I like the NFL shirt...
