Join the #PasstheLove Movement!

{This is part of a sponsored campaign with Being Latino and Mondelez. However, all opinions expressed are my own}

Have you been sharing this season soccer games with anyone special? Any new soccer fans? It's been so much fun celebrating wins and even coming together with friends and family after a disappointing lose. With some of my friends and family, I've been celebrating in person with and others I've been celebrating with on social media. It's been exciting seeing everyone root for their favorite teams on social media, I feel some way involved in their love for their team and the sport. Rooting for our team and watching them cheer on their team, makes the soccer games much more enjoyable for everyone. This season has been even more enjoyable because soccer has gained two new fans in our family. We've passed on the love of the sport of soccer to our two children and I look forward to celebrating many seasons with them.

Oreo is celebrating their love of soccer for the Pass the Love campaign and you can too. Visit to find out more

How does soccer unite your family and friends? How does the spirit of soccer come to life when you experience it with others? Share your experiences in the comment section below. Visit to download coupons, find recipes and learn more ways you can Pass the Love.

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