Holiday Traditions In Different Cultures

{This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Sears and Latina Bloggers Connect}

So many different cultures have a special celebration during the winter. And with those winter holidays comes traditions that are very dear to use because they remind us of our childhood and time spent with loved ones. Growing up in a Latino family, we celebrate our Christmas on Christmas Eve also known as Noche Buena. Every year on December 24th, we gather together for a big Christmas dinner and exchange gifts. Christmas Eve is my favorite holiday to celebrate. My mother married my stepfather, a white American and our multicultural family began along with new traditions. Growing up in a multicultural family meant I had more reasons to celebrate and more traditions to partake in.

Having a multicultural family of my own has made it simple for me to keep the same traditions I had growing up. We celebrate Christmas Eve with my Hispanic side of the family and on Christmas morning Santa drops off his gifts to the kids and the rest of the day is spent with our non-Hispanic relatives.

Sears knows that every family celebrates the holidays in their own special way. Let them help you celebrate with last minute holiday gifts for all your winter ocassions and traditions.

Decorating the Christmas tree has always been an exciting family traditions of ours. It signified that the holidays were officially here and celebrations were to come. Our Christmas tree goes up the weekend after thanksgiving and my kid's love decorating the tree with our favorite ornaments. Most of the ornaments on my mother's Christmas tree have been around since I was a child. I love watching my children get excited about decorating the tree with some of their favorite characters because they're the same ornaments I loved as a child.

Many Latino families celebrate the holidays differently. How do you celebrate yours?

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